
Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tours! An Incredible Time

Growing up a major book-nerd, I loved reading Harry Potter. I dreamed of attending Hogwarts, being friends with the Weasleys, and studying with Hermione. When the movies came out I went with my family to the midnight theatre premieres. We would all wear our robes and stay up until 2:00am watching the newest movie. In…

Applying for a UK Visa- 2019 vs. 2021

Visas. The part of travel that stresses me out the most. But if you want to live in a new country and you don’t have a second passport and aren’t part of the EU, what are you supposed to do? In 2019 I applied for my first UK visa, the Tier 4 Student Visa. As…

Travelling as a Couple: Our Story

Travelling is an activity that can be done completely alone, in a large group, with a family, or as many pairs do, with your partner. Josh and I talked about travel on our first date, he had an upcoming trip to Japan, and I had just moved to England to begin my Masters. We talked…

Explore the United Kingdom- Ditch the City

There is no shortage of fun living in a city in the united kingdom. Still, it’s nice to escape the city and get back into nature every now and again. Lucky No matter what city you live in, the United kingdom, whether London, Manchester, or even Edinburg. You are going to be at least 2…


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About Us

We are Andrea and Joshua, a couple who met in Brighton, England (was obviously a meet-cute not online dating 😉 )and started dating in 2019. Combined we’ve traveled to 25 countries, and are so excited to add more to that list!

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